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We all belong.

DEI earth is an initiative started by upcoming high school student Eisha Yadav. She cares deeply about the future of this earth, and inclusion and belonging are core to her. She is a first-generation Indian American and is deeply thankful for the privileges she has received. But she realizes that most people in this world are not as lucky. They struggle with an exclusion, discrimination, and lack of representation. Her hope is that by combining efforts led by other student chapters across different schools, she can galvanize the strength of youth action into a revolution. 


The world is a beautiful place if we all belong equally. Even good-intentioned humans can have blind spots, especially on topics like DEI. We can ensure that this happens by being more conscious of our blind spots.



It's hard to talk about this topic e.g. racism. You can not have a conversation if you are accusing. No one is a reason but we can all be responsible in our small ways to make a difference. 


Love the crime, not the criminal. Be kind and forgive to move ahead. 


Knowing why will help you understand how. 


Don't overthink. There is no better time to act than now. If you see injustice or inequity - question it and see what you can do to make a difference. 


We all are human. We have our biases and prejudices. Seek feedback to see how you can change. 


Be there for someone who is not being treated fairly. If they see that someone is supporting them and its right for them to seek equity, they will develop the courage to fight. 


Web finds

Curated read on diversity news.

Dani Monroe leads the Marthas Vineyard CDO Summit next week, with a public session at 3 p.m. on August 12.

Within the realm of diversity, retailers are in the unique position where they can communicate their DEI values externally to their consumer bases.

California is poised to add a diversity requirement to its $330 million tax incentive for film and TV production, as lawmakers seek to use their leverage to make the industry better reflect the sta

Eisha Yadav wrote about the need to bring joy and well-being to India's elderly.

“We all want something to offer. This is how we belong. It's how we feel included. So if we want to include everyone, we have to help everyone develop their talents and use their gifts for the good of the community. That's what inclusion means - everyone is a contributor. ”

— Melinda Gates


Are you running a DEI club at your school or thinking about it.

Join the community to meet others, exchange ideas, and raise a bigger storm. 

                         Together we make bigger strides.

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Sixty-nine percent of organizations cite workforce DEI as a strategic priority, but HR still struggles to hold the business accountable for DEI outcomes. Many well-intentioned DEI approaches are programmatic, person-dependent, or based on a point-in-time experience or event. Plus, most organizations find that set DEI metrics go unwatched or are deprioritized in favor of other business goals.

Additionally, Gartner's research finds that in a diverse workforce performance improves by 12%, and intent to stay by 20%.